The "Federico Frezzi - Beata Angela" High School is the oldest scholastic reality in the area: the establishment of the classical high school dates back to 21 December 1927. In the eighties it was joined by the Linguistic Lyceum and in 1997 the "Beata" Magistral Institute Angela "was attached to the Lyceum. History of the Lyceum.
The Humanistic High School gives the possibility to realize the needs of young people who want to face modern times with new keys, with the historical memory and cultural roots of our civilization, without losing sight of the new technological and cosmopolitan society. The Humanistic High School is based on the follwing assumptions:
- the study and recovery of the roots of Western culture;
- a key to interpreting the present;
- a solid and in-depth preparation in the humanities;
- an effective method of study that can be used in any field.
The Humanistic High School combines the study of classical languages with the development of the modern competencies, with as special focus on:
- Active and Democratic Citizenship Education and its Challenges. We’ve been commited to implement local educational programs aimed to improve competencies like co-operation and communication as well working to increase critical ability, reduce prejudice and build tolerance, understanding, empathy, and an openness to diversity.
European dimension: the School, the leading school of the regional high school linguistic network, the headquarters of the Alliance Francaise and the seat of linguistic certifications, collaborates with various specialized Linguistic Institutes. In particular, it promotes the linguistic training of teachers of non-linguistic disciplines (DNL) aimed at activating the CLIL methodology, organizes language courses for students and for teachers aimed at obtaining international linguistic certifications, activates courses of full linguistic immersion with native-language teachers and CLIL modules, also experimental, in curricular hours, active courses of European and Oriental languages (Chinese and Japanese).

Scarabattoli Paolo
Phone: +39 0742350552